Health Screen


At the pinnacle of comprehensive health assessment lies the Ultimate Health Screen, a premium package designed to offer individuals unparalleled insights and evaluations. This top-tier screening package encompasses an exhaustive range of tests and examinations, leaving no stone unturned in the pursuit of holistic health assessment. In addition to the assessments included in the Advanced Health Screens, the Ultimate Health Screen incorporates a CT Coronary Angiogram or Stress Echocardiogram, Liver Fibroscan and either a CT Colonography or a full Abdominal Ultrasound including liver and aorta.

By integrating cutting-edge technology and personalised medical expertise, the Ultimate Health Screen provides individuals with the most thorough and customized assessment of their health status, facilitating informed decision-making and proactive health management strategies.

What is included in an Ultimate Health Screen?

Consultation & Medical History

Ultimate Health Screen Consultation

  • A pre-screen form to be completed and returned prior
    to your appointment
  • Pre-Screen telephone appointment with
    your screening Doctor
  • + 2 hrs Appointment in Practice
  • + 30 min Follow up appointment with your screening Doctor
  • + Concierge Service

Medical and Family History

Your Doctor will discuss your medical history with you, and that of your family to identify potential risks and problems.


  • You may also discuss and receive contraceptive, pregnancy and menopause advice
  • You will have time to raise and discuss any health concerns you may have
Your Ultimate Health Screen

Full Body Examination

Following your tests, your doctor will undertake a thorough physical examination including your ears, mouth, chest, back, abdomen and joints.

Well-woman screening

    • Breast examination
    • HPV / Cervical smear pap test (if clinically recommended)
    • Contraceptive, pregnancy and menopause advice
    • CA-125 – Ovarian cancer tumour marker (if clinically recommended)
    • Cardiovascular screening
    • Mammogram / Breast ultrasound
    • Pelvic/ Transvaginal ultrasound

Well-man screening

  • Prostate and testicular examination
  • PSA – Prostate cancer tumour marker (if clinically recommended)
  • Cardiovascular screening
  • Prostate MRI

Vital Observations

  • Height and weight – to calculate your BMI
  • Blood pressure
  • Urinalysis
  • ECG
  • Spirometer
  • Vision test – includes colour blindness screening
  • Hearing test
  • Body composition analysis


An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a non-invasive test that analyses heart rhythm and provides information about cardiac health.


Vitalograph test to measure the function and efficiency of the lungs.

Urine Tests

  • Urine analysis: glucose, bilirubin, ketones, specific gravity, blood, pH (acid and alkali), proteins, urobilinogen,
    nitrites & leucocytes
  • Laboratory urine test for infection (MCS)

Blood Tests

  • Red cell, White cell count & Platelets
  • Liver function
  • Kidney function, Uric acid, Electrolytes
  • Lipid panel – total Cholesterol, HDL/LDL/Triglycerides
  • ESR – marker of inflammation
  • Ferritin – marker of iron levels
  • Fasting glucose and HbA1c to identify diabetes mellitus
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin B12 & Folate profile
  • Thyroid function profile (TSH & T4)
  • AFP (Alpha Fetoprotein) screening for primary
    cancer of the liver


  • NAFLD Liver Fibrosis score
  • PLCO score – Lung cancer risk
  • FRAX score – Osteoporosis risk
  • Bowel Screen (FIT) (if required)

Diagnostics Included

    • Echocardiogram 3D
    • Carotid Doppler ultrasound
    • Pelvic / Transvaginal ultrasound (female)
    • Mammogram / Breast ultrasound (female)
    • Prostate MRI (male)
    • Liver Fibroscan
    • CT Coronary Angiogram / Stress Echocardiogram
    • CT Colonography / Full Abdominal ultrasound
Your Health Screen Report

Once all of the test results are available, you will receive a comprehensive report giving you a clear understanding of your current health, as well as advice and guidance on how to maintain your health and wellbeing.

A half hour in-practice or virtual follow up appointment will be arranged with your screening Doctor to discuss your report in detail.

Ultimate Health PDF

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Enquire now

Health Screening Enquiry

Phone: +44 (0)20 7935 1000
Email: info@thelondongeneralpractice.com

The London General Practice offers a number of screening services. To find out more about all screening services available at The London General Practice click below.

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