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المرضى الدوليون

غالبًا ما يلجأ زائرو المملكة المتحدة من الدول الأخرى إلى الاتصال بسفارة دولتهم للحصول على الدعم والمساعدة عند التعرض لظروف مرضية أثناء وجودهم هنا. وفي هذه الحالات، تتصل العديد من السفارات الأجنبية الرئيسية الموجودة في لندن بالمؤسسة طلبًا للدعم.

تقدم المؤسسة مجموعة شاملة من الخدمات الطبية يوميًا على مدار الساعة لدعم الأفراد الأجانب الزائرين للندن أو العاملين بها.

رعاية من الدرجة الأولى

تقدم المؤسسة رعاية أولية من الدرجة الأولى حيث تقدم خدمات صحية فائقة الجودة يوميًا على مدار الساعة طوال أيام الأسبوع. ونحرص على أن يقدم الاستشارات فريق الأطباء الموَّقرين العاملين بالمؤسسة فحسب بصرف النظر عن الوقت سواء نهارًا أم ليلاً.

يمكننا أن نوفر لك مواعيد ملائمة في جناحنا الخاص الذي يضم غرف الاستشارات والعلاج في شارع هارلي، أو الحضور عند الاتصال إلى سفارة دولتك، أو الفندق الذي تقيم به، أو أي مكان آخر تحتاج فيه إلى خدماتنا.

تعني مكانتنا المرموقة في المجال الطبي أنه يمكننا أيضًا التحويل الفوري إلى بعض الاستشاريين والمستشفيات الخاصة الرائدة في لندن إذا دعت الحاجة إلى الحصول على رعاية ثانوية أو رعاية من المستوى الثالث.

إدارة الضغوط

بالطبع، لا تحدث جميع المشكلات الصحية التي يتعرض لها الأشخاص لسبب عضوي، فنحن نتفهم الآثار التي قد تتركها الضغوط على عقلك وجسدك.

يتمثل جزء من البرنامج الصحي الذي نقدمه لعملائنا في تقديم الاستشارات المتعلقة بالضغوط وأسلوب الحياة وذلك لمساعدتك على معرفة مصادر الضغوط في حياتك ووضع استراتيجيات فعالة للتعامل معها عند حدوثها.

“إن الشعور بالإعياء خارج الوطن يمثل ضغطًا شديدًا، لكن المؤسسة بإمكانها دعم الزائرين من خلال تقديم الرعاية الصحية الفورية لهم”

دفع رسوم العلاج

يُسعد المؤسسة أن تقبل المرضى على أساس رعاية السفارات والدفع الذاتي. كما تقبل المؤسسة أيضًا المرضى الذين لديهم تأمين صحي دولي (بوبا، وسيجنا، وأكسا).

“نقدم خدمات خاصة وشخصية تتناسب مع المتطلبات الفردية لكل ضيف”.

المزيد من المعلومات

يُرجى الاتصال بنا لتحديد موعد، أو يمكنك الاتصال بنا الآن على الرقم 1000 7935 20(0) 44+.

للحصول على خدمة الزيارات المنزلية يوميًا على مدار الساعة، اتصل على الرقم 1000 935 207(0) 44+.

Private Health Screening

At the London General Practice we believe that a proactive and preventative approach to caring for your health is led by regular health screening. These are vital in identifying early signs of disease or other health issues, enabling early intervention and potentially improving the quality of your life. Our screening programmes are Doctor led and tailored to each individual patient.

As the premium private London doctors clinic, we have partnered with world class laboratories, diagnostic and scanning providers ensuring high quality fast results. Our Doctors have strong relationships with the best medical Consultants in every field and work closely with them to ensure our patients get the very best care and medical service.

Health Screening

Our Advanced Health Screening programme is for patients who wish to take a very thorough and proactive approach to minimising the risk to their health through early identification and management of a wide range of conditions.

Following a 90 minute examination in clinic and extensive blood and urine tests, your Doctor will discuss all the possible tests and diagnostic screening that you could have.

Your Doctor will work carefully with you to ensure the tests you receive are thorough, appropriate and reflect your examination and any concerns or preferences you have.

Our medical concierge team will carefully plan your appointments to make best use of your time. On the day of your diagnostic tests you will be provided with a chaperone, who will escort you throughout the day. You will also be provided with meals or light snacks to fit within your appointment and test schedule.

A comprehensive report will be produced and discussed with you along with recommendations for any future care.

Or phone to book on
+44 (0)207 935 1000

Health Plus

The Essential Health Plus service is a comprehensive screening service designed to meet your specific needs.

Your initial appointment will include a half hour with the Practice Nurse who will do a thorough series of blood and urine tests.

Your doctor will undertake a thorough physical examination and talk through your medical history and that of your family.

Based on this information your Doctor may propose further diagnostic tests, scans or even specialist referrals and we will arrange appointments for you.

Once all the results are available, you will receive a comprehensive report giving you a clear understanding of your current health, as well as advice and guidance on how to maintain your health and wellbeing.

Or phone to book on
+44 (0)207 935 1000


Genetic Testing is an important part of understanding important health risks you may, or may not, have based on genetic variants in your DNA. This can be added to your health screen and only need to be done once.

Genetic testing looks for changes in your DNA that can inform your medical care. These are sometimes called mutations or variants in your DNA. Our test providers have found that 16.1% of healthy adults carry a serious health related risk.

For healthy adults who wish to gain important, medically actionable insights based on their DNA, we offer proactive genetic testing.

Our tests will give you insights into important health risks you may, or may not, have based on genetic variants in your DNA.

Or phone to book on
+44 (0)207 935 1000

Health Plus

The Essential Health Plus service is a comprehensive screening service designed to meet your specific needs.

Your initial appointment will include a half hour with the Practice Nurse who will do a thorough series of blood and urine tests.

Following your tests, your doctor will undertake a thorough physical examination and talk through your medical history and that of your family.

Once all the test results are available, you will receive a comprehensive report giving you a clear understanding of your current health, as well as advice and guidance on how to maintain your health and wellbeing.

Or phone to book on
+44 (0)207 935 1000

Health Screening

Our Advanced Health Screening is our premium and detailed screening service. Following a 90 minute examination in clinic and extensive blood and urine tests, your Doctor will recommend and discuss further relevant diagnostic tests and screening.

Your Doctor will work carefully with you to ensure the tests you receive are thorough, appropriate and reflect your examination and any concerns you have.

Our medical concierge team will carefully plan your appointments to make best use of your time. On the day of your diagnostic tests you will be provided with a chaperone, who will escort you throughout the day. You will also be provided with meals or light snacks to fit within your appointment and test schedule.

A comprehensive report will be produced and discussed with you along with recommendations for any future care.

Or phone to book on
+44 (0)207 935 1000


Genetic Testing is an important part of understanding important health risks you may, or may not, have based on genetic variants in your DNA. This can be added to your health screen and only need to be done once.

Genetic testing looks for changes in your DNA that can inform your medical care. These are sometimes called mutations or variants in your DNA. Our test providers have found that 16.1% of healthy adults carry a serious health related risk.

For healthy adults who wish to gain important, medically actionable insights based on their DNA, we offer proactive genetic testing.

Our tests will give you insights into important health risks you may, or may not, have based on genetic variants in your DNA.

Or phone to book on
+44 (0)207 935 1000


Our location on Harley Street allows us to partner with leading Consultants, laboratories and gives us access to the world’s best diagnostic equipment.

Our screening uses up to date evidence based pathways and allows your Doctor to create a bespoke package developed around your individual needs.

During your consultation one of our Doctors will develop this for you based on your family history, health concerns and initial blood results.

You can choose from a standard screen for overall health or a more targeted option for specific concerns, but in all cases our Doctor will guide you through the decision making, and if you have a specific concern this will be answered for you

Book now

Call now to book your Health Screening.  Doctors available 24 hours a day.

please call us on

+44 (0)207 935 1000

Or enquire below

This service is available 24hrs a day,
7 days a week.

Enquire now

Health Screening Enquiry

Phone: +44 (0)20 7935 1000
Email: info@thelondongeneralpractice.com

The London General Practice offers a number of screening services. To find out more about all screening services available at The London General Practice click below.

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